Contact Us

Autauga County Fair Organization

P. O. Box 680267 

Prattville, AL 36068-0267



Gary Essary - Fair President



Mike Surles - Fair Vice President


Anthony Castaldo--Entertainment Director


Shawn Hudak - Commercial and Non-Profit Booth Director

410-703-8989 cell


Dora Bonebrake - Volunteer Coordinator 



Logan Strock - Livestock Director

Billingsley HS FFA

Arts and Crafts - Tanner Parish




What's New?

10/10 Thank you...hundreds of cans donated to the food bank last night!

Get Social With Us

iPAD Mini and Facebook Winners

Congratulations to...Ce'Drica...for playing our "passport" contest and winning a brand new, Apple iPAD Mini on Saturday, April 19, 2014!

Our 2014 Spring Carnival Daily drawing for two free entrance tickets 

April 2014

1  Kristen Morgan

2  Carmen Healan

3  Jennifer Stone

4  Lisa Golsan McKenzie  

5  Jared Dilly

6  Julie Scroggin Cooley 

7  Teresa Owen Thompson

8  Dena Wadsworth Brown

9  Lauren Michelle Bates

10  Angela Singleton

11  Deede Flowers

12  Becky Simmons Judy

13  Chloe Hare

14  Emily Marie Stewart  

15  Jason A. McCord

16  LaCarsha Witherspoon

17  Lindsey Wright

18  Stephanie Tinsley Sanders

19  Lauren Ellison Hartin

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© Autauga County Fair