Contact Us

Autauga County Fair Organization

P. O. Box 680267 

Prattville, AL 36068-0267



Gary Essary - Fair President



Mike Surles - Fair Vice President


Anthony Castaldo--Entertainment Director


Shawn Hudak - Commercial and Non-Profit Booth Director

410-703-8989 cell


Dora Bonebrake - Volunteer Coordinator 



Logan Strock - Livestock Director

Billingsley HS FFA

Arts and Crafts - Tanner Parish




What's New?

10/10 Thank you...hundreds of cans donated to the food bank last night!

Get Social With Us


Please arrive 30 minutes before gates open to be ready for guests.  Thanks!

Be a part of the "behind the scene" action.  We have all sorts of opportunities including:

-  Event Set Up   
     -- Weekend prior Clean Up
     -- Monday Setting Up after Rides/Games/Vendors In
     -- Tuesday Final Touches

-  Fair Hosting
     -- Main Stage/Green Room
     -- Activity Tent
     -- Trash/Recycle
     -- Parking
     -- Gates and Fences

-  Workshop Staffing
     -- Arts & Crafts Building
     -- Pageant
     -- Poultry/Rabbit Display
     -- Gene and Virginia Hall Building--Commercial Vendors
     -- Livestock Show 

-  Event Tear Down/Clean Up
     -- Saturday Night Pack Up
     -- Sunday Equipment Put Away and Trash Pick up


Volunteers Receive

- One Free Entrance Ticket

- A Fun Experiance

-  Non-profit and Youth Organizations that volunteer as a Group are Eligible for a Money Donation from Autauga County Fair Organization

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© Autauga County Fair