Contact Us

Autauga County Fair Organization

P. O. Box 680267 

Prattville, AL 36068-0267



Gary Essary - Fair President



Mike Surles - Fair Vice President


Anthony Castaldo--Entertainment Director


Shawn Hudak - Commercial and Non-Profit Booth Director

410-703-8989 cell


Dora Bonebrake - Volunteer Coordinator 



Logan Strock - Livestock Director

Billingsley HS FFA

Arts and Crafts - Tanner Parish




What's New?

10/10 Thank you...hundreds of cans donated to the food bank last night!

Get Social With Us

Fairest of the Fair Pagent

SATURDAY,      October 12, 2024.   11:00am-1:00pm


Deadline to enter: Thursday, October 10th   We must have time to prepare gifts

This is a natural beauty pageant. We are looking for girls that are showing their beauty, personality and age appropriate.

Judges will be from outside the local area.


For more information call Mrs. C.J.Martin at 334-467-8603 

Mail application to: 210 Holly Court Prattville, Al. 36066

Please make check out to: Mrs. C.J.Martin

Pageant Application

Fairest of the Fair Beauty Pageant Application
Fairest of the Fair Beauty Pageant Appli[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [151.4 KB]

2023 Pictures

<< 2022 Pictures

2017 Fairest of the Fair pictures

Pictures of our 2016 Fairest of the Fair!

Our 2015 Fairest of the Fair Court--Congratulations!

Our 2013 Fairest of the Fair Court--Congratulations to All

Congratulations to Braidyn Lazenby was crowned winner of the first year's revival of the Autauga County Fairest of the Fair beauty pagenant.  A cash scholarship was awarded to the winner, and each contestant received gifts that were donated by local businesses.  Each has also been invited to the state capitol for a photo with Governor Bentley.


Braidyn Lazenby        Fairest of the Fair

Frannie Chance         Teen Queen

Pinky Emmanuel        Little Queen

Farah Zakaria            Tiny Miss

Clara-Marie Boles       Baby Queen


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© Autauga County Fair